EMDR is an acronym for a psychotherapeutic technique called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing which uses bilateral stimulation of the brain, whether through touch, sound of eye movement to engage both sides of the brain to process any information. EMDR allows a client to process an emotional experience. In some cases, EMDR sessions allow a person to talk freely about traumatic events, eliminating the stress and blocked emotions to dissipate. EMDR is a remarkable treatment method used to heal the symptoms of
The therapist works gently with the client and asks him/her to revisit the traumatic moment or incident, recalling feelings surrounding the experience, as well as any negative thoughts, feelings and memories. While the client holds the memory, the therapist uses an EMDR machine to alternatively stimulate both sides of the patient’s brain through touch, sound or eye movements. This rhythmic, alternating stimulation allows the client to process the memory using both sides of the brain. This processing the memory to be put into a sequence that can be assimilated. What starts off as a horrifically vivid memory, can move into a smaller, more resolved experience. What are the Symptoms that can be helped by EMDR? • High anxiety and lack of motivation • Depression • Memories of a traumatic experience • Unrealistic feelings of guilt and shame • Fear of being alone • Difficulty in trusting others • Relationship problems • AD/HD and Learning Disabilities—(rejection, fear, anger, shame) • People who have witnessed or been a victim to a disaster (rape, accidents, earth quakes, fires, • Clients suffering from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) • Suffers of panic disorders and anxiety attacks • Suffers of phobias • Chemically dependent clients • Persons exposed to excess loss (loss by death, divorce, loss of a house by fire) • Crime victims and police officers who were once overcome with violent memories • Accident or burn victims • People suffering from chronic pain EMDR has been researched extensively. For more information, go the http://www.emdr.org or the international organization, http://www.emdria.org If you are interested in a Free Phone Consultation call (310) 923-3603. Day & Evening Appointments E-Mail: jzgiler@cox.net Janet Z. Giler, Ph.D. 11500 Olympic Blvd., Suite 580 << back to top |